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Should you become a Pharmacy Technician? | Careers in Healthcare | ACTS


Americation Career and Training School (ACTS)

Who are Pharmacy Technicians?

Pharmacy Technicians are on the rise in healthcare! This workforce is expected to grow 12% from 2016 – 2026. This huge growth is projected to create nearly 50,000 new jobs. Pharmacy Technicians can work in a variety of areas. The most popular areas of employment are in hospitals and drug stores alongside a pharmacist. Working as a pharmacy technician is perfect for healthcare professionals of all ages and backgrounds!

What is the Job like?

Pharmacy Technicians are focused on ensuring that the proper prescriptions are given to the correct patient. They do this by identifying the patient, checking the prescribed drug and any generic brands that may be available for the patient. Pharmacy technicians are also trained in mathematical measurement systems, calculation of dosages, prescription compounding, Billing, inventory control and more! Pharmacy Technicians are trained to create medications in capsule form. This requires the technician to mix the appropriate amounts of medications evenly and then transfer to the solution into a capsule. Skill is needed for this because if the wrong amount of pharmaceutical drugs are used this could lead to ineffective results or an overdose.

Income Potential

Pharmacy Technician in New Jersey can expect to earn a salary ranging from $22,000 to $48,000 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Pay typically increases with experience and can significantly increase when technicians receive promotions to manager or supervisor. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that the average pay for Pharmacy Technicians in New Jersey $15.90 an hour and over $33,000 a year.


29-2052 Pharmacy Technicians. (2019, March 29). Retrieved from

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