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Career Counselor Program | Education Careers | Americation Career and Training School


Americation Career and Training School (ACTS)

What is a Career Counselor

Career Counselors are professional individuals who specialize in finding potential career paths for their clients. This career is focused on positivity, career, and life planning. Career Counselors will provide people with potential career paths for them to pursue based off of their interests and previous academic performance. Career Counselors provide their clients with a strategy for success, that includes the requirements for particular career, a timeline of when and how to achieve these requirements, and what to expect from a given career. Career Counselors are professional moviatiors who look at all possible life paths for someone to follow and also provide people with reassurance, confidence and motivation when needed.

What Is The Day to Day Tasks of Career Counselor

  • Scheduling Appointments

  • Meeting with Clients

  • Reviewing Clients Professional and or Academic History

  • Listening to Clients Goals and Ambitions

  • Taking time to Understand the clients personal Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Finding Careers that would fit clients Unique Personalities

  • Discovering effective types of Motivations

  • Understanding what motivates their Clients

  • Researching Requirements for Careers Paths

  • Educating Clients on Careers and the Steps to follow for Success

Where Do Career Counselors Work

  • High Schools: Providing young adults with options to follow after secondary education

  • Colleges / University / Trade Schools: Providing Adults with program options for particular Career Paths

  • Government Funded Programs: (One-Stop Career, Division Of Rehabilitation, Veterans Affair): Working with adults who qualify for a government funded grant to receive funding for educational training programs

  • Self Employed: Providing private career counseling for clients

Salary For Career Counselors

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average annual income for School and Career Counselors is $56,000. The data suggest that Career Counselors working in academic settings such as Elementary, Secondary, and Junior colleges have the highest income potential. The average income varies considerably between states. For example, Career Counselors in New Jersey have an average income of over $70,000 while those in south dakota on average earn less than $45,000 a year. Experience is also a something to consider when looking at income earnings of career counselors. In New Jersey the bottom 10 % of income earners average annual salary is about $50,000 while the top 10% of income earners averaged at over $100k annually.

Make Your Own Path to Success


Information regarding Work environments and salary for Career Counselors was gathered from the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics



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